Dragonfly (蜻蜓)

Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - August 2022
Dragonfly - Smile.Dk

(1 Tag, No Restart)

Intro: 36 counts
Section1 Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Cross, Side, 1/4 Turn L Sailor Step
1-4Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
5-8Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left behind right, 1/4 turn L stepping right to side, step left forward (9:00)

Section2 Rock, Coaster Step, Forward, 1/2 Pivot Turn R, Forward Shuffle
1-4Rock right forward, recover on left, step right back, step left together, step right forward
5-8Step left forward, 1/2 pivot turn R, step left forward, step right together, step left forward (3:00)

Section3 1/4 Monterey Turn, Jazz Box Step
1-4Point right to side, 1/4 turn R step right together, point left to side, step left together (6:00)
5-8Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, step left forward

Section4 Rocking Step, Rock, 1/4 Turn L Rock
1-4Rock right forward, recover on left, rock right back, recover on left
5-8Rock right to side, recover on left, 1/4 turn L rocking right to side, recover on left (3:00)

Tag: After on wall 4 facing to 12:00
1-8Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Behind, Point, Behind, Point
1-4Cross right over left, point left to side, cross left over right, point right to side
5-8Cross right behind left, point left to side, cross left behind right, point right to side

Have Fun

Contact Email: 93806188@qq.com