I Know Better

Wil Bos (NL) - May 2023
Should've Known Better - Grace Asbury

Info : Intro 16 counts

SEC 1 Vine, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Hold
1-2Step right to right, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right, cross left over right
5-6Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
7-8Cross right over left, hold
Restart Here on Wall 7, Touch right beside left on count 7, hold count 8 then restart

SEC 2 ¼ Vine, Scuff, Step, ½ Pivot, Cross, Hold
1-2Step left to left, step right behind left
3-4Turn ¼ left step left forward, scuff right forward (9:00)
5-6Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left transferring weight on to left (3:00)
7-8Cross right over left, hold

SEC 3 Side Rock, Cross, Hold, ¼ Monterey
1-2Rock left to left, recover weight onto right
3-4Cross left over right, hold
5-6Point right to right, turn ¼ right step right beside left (6:00)
7-8Point left to left, step left beside right

SEC 4 Toe Strut, Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross Strut, Side Rock
1-2Touch right forward, drop right heel transferring weight on right
3-4Step left forward, pivot 1/4 right transferring weight on to right (9:00)
5-6Touch left over right, drop left heel transferring weight on left
7-8Rock right to right, recover weight onto left

SEC 5 Slow Mambo ½, Hold, Full Turn, Step, Hold
1-2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
3-4Turn ½ right step right forward, hold (3:00)
5-6Turn ½ right step left back, turn ½ right step right forward (3:00)
7-8Step left forward, hold
Restart Here on Wall 3

SEC 6 Slow Mambo Step, Hold, Back, Back, ½ Step, Touch
1-2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
3-4Step right back, hold
5-6Step left back, step right back
7-8Turn ½ left step left forward, touch right beside left (9:00)

SEC 7 Side, Drag, Back Rock, Side, Drag, Back Rock
1-2Step right to right dragging left towards right over 2 counts
3-4Rock left back, recover weight onto right
5-6Step left to left sliding right towards left over 2 counts
7-8Rock right back, recover weight onto left

SEC 8 ¼ Vine, Scuff, Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross, Hold
1-2Step right to right, step left behind right
3-4Turn ¼ right step right forward, scuff left forward (12:00)
5-6Step left forward, pivot 1/4 right transferring weight on to right (3:00)
7-8Cross left over right, hold

Start Again