After a Few

Ivan Garcia (USA) - 28 June 2023
After a Few - Travis Denning

(32 count intro)

#1st Set - Rock FWD L, Recover R, Shuffle Back L, Rock Back R, Recover L, Shuffle Forward R
1 2Rock forward with LF (1), recover onto RF (2)
3 & 4Shuffle back left; step back LF (3), step RF next slightly FWD of LF (&), step back LF (4)
5 6Rock back RF (5), recover onto LF (6)
7&8Shuffle forward right; step FWD RF (7), bring LF next slightly back of RF (&), step FWD RF (4)

#2nd Set - Rock FWD L, Recover R, L Shuffle FWD 1/2 L Turn, R shuffle Back 1/2 L Turn, L Coaster Step
1 2Rock forward with LF (1), recover back onto RF (2)
3&4Shuffler forward LF; LF (3), RF (&), LF (4) while making a 1/2 turn over left shoulder
5&6Shuffle back right foot; RF (5) LF (&) RF (6) while making a 1/2 turn over left shoulder
7&8Step back LF (7), step RF next to LF slightly FWD (&), FWD step LF (8)

#3rd Set - Ball step R, FWD Rock Step L, Recover R, L Coaster Step, FWD Out R, FWD Out L, R Sailor
&1 2Right ball step (&), rock forward L (1), recover on to R (2)
Restart after 16 counts after right ball step on 3rd wall
3&4step back LF (3), step RF next to L foot slightly FWD (&), forward step LF (4)
5 6step forward RF (5), step forward L foot (shoulder length apart) (6)
7&8step RF behind LF (7), sidestep LF (&), sidestep RF (8)

#4th Set - L Sailor 1/4 Turn L, Hip R 1/8 L Turn, Hip L 1/8 L Turn, Rock Pivot ¼ L Turn
1&2LF step behind RF (1), sidestep RF (&), 1/4 turn sidestep LF (2)
3&4Step forward RF with 1/8 turn L (3), hip pump twice R side (&4)
Tag/Re-start here on wall 4 after 20 counts
5&6step forward LF with 1/8 turn L (5), hip pump twice L side (&6)
7 8step forward RF (7), with a pivot rock 1/4 L turn (8)

#5th Set - R Cross Step, Sidestep L, R Sailor, L Cross Step, R Sidestep, Behind and Cross L R L
1 2cross RF over LF (1), sidestep RF (2)
3&4step RF behind LF (3), sidestep LF (&), sidestep RF (4)
5 6cross step LF over RF (5), sidestep RF (6)
7&8LF behind RF (7), sidestep RF (7), cross step LF over RF (8)

#6th Set - Side Rock R, Recover L, Together R Next to L, Sidestep L, Touch Step R Next to L,
Diagonal (4:30) Forward Step R, L Touch Behind R, Recover L, Sidestep R Squaring off to 6:00
1 2&RF side rock (1), recover onto LF (2), step RF next to LF (7)
3 4sidestep LF (3), touch right foot next to LF (4)
5 6forward step RF (5), touch LF behind RF (6)
7 8step back LF (7), sidestep RF 1/4 turn right (8)

Rocking Chair (tag at end of wall 2, 4, 5),
1 2rock forward with LF (1), recover back on RF (2)
3 4rock back with LF (3), recover back on RF (4)

RESTART: On wall 3 after 16 counts (after left coaster, ball step R)

1 2 3&4Step L, sweep R over L, cross R samba R L R (after 20 counts on wall 4, after the Hip R 1/8 L Turn)
1 2 –step left, sweep right foot half turn left
3&4 –cross R samba R L R

Styling: On 1st set on the back shuffle we can cross back shuffle if desired.

Inquiries: Ivan Garcia -