Diamond In My Pocket

Narelle Duncan (AUS) - September 2023
Diamond In My Pocket - Cody Johnson

#16 count intro - 2 restarts on wall 5 and 12.

Section 1: Rhumba Fwd Right Rhumba Back Left
1 - 4Step right to right side, step left together, Step right fwd, tap left beside right.
5 - 8Step Left to left side, step right together, Step back on left, tap right beside left.
## 2nd Restart on Wall 12 (6 o’clock wall)

Section 2: Vine Right, Left Heel 45, Vine Left Right Heel 45
1 - 4Step right to side, step left behind right, step Right to side, Tap L heel at 45 deg.
5 - 8Step left to side. step right behind left, step Left to side, Tap R heel at 45 deg

Section 3: Fwd Point, Back Point ¼ turn Jazz Box
1 - 4Step right fwd, point left to left side, Step back left, point right to right side
## 1st Restart on Wall 5 (12 o’clock wall)
5 - 8Cross right over left, step left back ¼ turn right step right fwd, step left fwd.

Section 4: V Step Fwd Touch Back Tap
1 - 4Step Right fwd 45deg, step Left fwd 45deg, Step Right back centre, step left back centre
5 - 8Step fwd right, tap left behind right, Step left back. Tap right beside left.

Restart dance: Clockwise direction

Email: hellsbellsnarelle@gmail.com
Enjoy, Have Fun!

Last Update - 6 Sept. 2023 - R1