Kiss This

Tempe De Luca (USA) - September 2023
Kiss This - Aaron Tippin

No restarts or tags

{1-8} Right K-step
1,2Step R forward to R diagonal (1), touch L together (2)
3,4Step L back to L diagonal (3), touch R together (4)
5,6Step R back to R diagonal (5) touch L together (6)
7,8Step L forward to L diagonal (7), touch R together (8)

{9-16}Toe drops, R Toe taps
1,2R toe forward (1) heel drop (2)
3,4L toe forward (3) heel drop (4)
5,6R tap toe to R side (5) touch R toe to L (6)
7,8R tap toe to R side (7) touch R toe to L (8)

{17-24} Rolling vine right, L toe taps
1-4Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, L tap R
5,6L tap toe to L side (5) touch L toe to R (6)
7,8L tap toe to L side (7) touch L toe to R (8)

{25-32} Rolling vine left, Scuff jazz box ¼ turn
1-4Step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L, R tap L
5,6Scuff R, Cross R over L (5) step L back ¼ turn over R shoulder (6)
7,8Step R side R (7) cross L over R (8)