EZ L'italiano

Diana Liang (CN) - November 2023
L'italiano (feat. Daniele Vitale Sax) - Karolina Protsenko

Intro 8 from percussion

S1: (Forward, Drag) RL, (Side Point, Touch Together) * 2
1-2Rf forward, drag Lf towards Rf
3-4Lf forward, drag Rf towards Lf
5-6Point Rf to R side, touch Rf next to Lf
7-8Repeat 5-6

S2: (Back, Drag) RL, 1/4 Monterey Turn
1-2Rf back, drag Lf towards Rf
3-4Lf back, drag Rf towards Lf
5-6Point Rf to R side, turn 1/4 to R stepping Rf next to Lf, 3H
7-8Point Lf to L side, step Lf next to Rf

S3: Cross, Kick Twice, Behind Side Cross, Sweep Forward
1-3Cross Rf over Lf, kick Lf twice towards 1:30
4-6Step Lf behind Rf, turn 1/8 to R stepping Rf to R side, 3H, cross Lf over Rf,
7-8Sweep Rf from back to front

S4: Rocking Chair, Draw Circle on Ground Clockwise
1-4.Rock Rf forward, recover to Lf, rock Rf back, recover to Lf
5-8.Rf ball draws circle on floor Clockwise: forward, to R, to back, to L, ends touching next to Lf

Tag: Rocking Chair at the end of W10, facing 6H
1-4Rock Rf forward, recover to Lf, rock Rf back, recover to Lf

Thanks and happy dancing!

Contact: procankm@hotmail.com