Gwiin-Dong (귀인동)

High Beginner
Eun Mi Lim (KOR) - November 2023
No.1 Gwiin-Dong (귀인동) - Oh Kyung-Jin (오경진)

Intro: 40counts (approx. 18 secs)

Sec 1: Vine-Touch, Touch (Out-In), Coaster
1-2Step R to right Side, Cross L behind R
3-4Step R to right side, Touch L toe beside R
5-6Touch L toe to left side, Touch L toe beside R
7&8Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L forward

Sec 2: Side-Touch 2X, Jazz Box 1/4 Turn R- Cross
1-2Step R to right side with rolling hips anti- clockwise, Touch L toe to left side
3-4Step L to left side with rolling hips clockwise, Touch R toe to right side
5-6Cross R over L, 1/4turn R stepping back on L
7-8Step R to right side, Cross L over R

Sec 3: Side Rock, Together, Point, 1/4Turn L, Together, Knee Pop
1-2Rock R to right side, Recover onto L
3-4Close R beside L, Point L to left side
5-61/4turn L weight onto R, Step L beside R
7-8R Knee across L, Heel R down with Heel L lifting Knee across R

Sec 4: Vine 1/4 Turn L-Touch, Side-Touch & Hip Bumps 2X
1-2Step L to left side, Cross R behind L
3-41/4turn L stepping L forward, Touch R beside L *Restart here
5&6Step R to right side, Touch L toe beside R (Hip bumps R-L-R)
7&8Step L to left side, Touch R toe beside L (Hip bumps L-R-L)

*Restart: During wall 6 Restart the dance after 28 counts

Eun Mi: