Damn Good Problem

Susan Pfeiffer (CAN), Amie Andison (CAN) & Kelly Borg (CAN) - January 2024
I Got A Problem - Drake Milligan

Intro: 8 Counts, Start at approx. 5 secs
Restart – Wall 6 (facing 3 o/c wall), 24 Counts

Lindy R, Lindy L (Side Shuffle & Rock Back R, Side Shuffle & Rock Back L)
1&2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
3-4Rock back on left, recover on right
5&6Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8Rock back on right, recover on left

Rocking Chair R, 2 Half Pivot Turns L
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left
3-4Rock back on right, recover on left
5-6Step forward on right, ½ pivot left
7-8Step forward on right, ½ pivot left

Step Lock R, Step Lock L
1-4On the right diagonal, step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward right, brush left
5-8On the left diagonal, step forward left, lock right behind left, step forward left, brush right

Heel Grind Quarter Turn R, Coaster Step R, Heel Switches L & R, Heel L, Hook Behind R
1-2Step forward right (1), while grinding right heel rotate/turn ¼ right, step onto left (2)
3&4Step back right, step back left, step forward right
5&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right
6&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left
7&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right
8Hook right behind left (optional: slap foot)
