Carolina Mountain Home (Chair Dance)

Beginner - Chair Dance for Seniors
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - January 2024
Carolina Mountain Home - Kentucky Thunder & Ricky Skaggs

Intro: 16 counts
Make sure you sit towards the end of the chair, so you can move your legs better.
Sit nice and tall, back straight. Never slouch!

Heel Taps, R/L
1-4Tap R heel fwd. Step R back, Tap L heel fwd. Step back on L

Box Step R, Then L
1-4Touch R toe fwd. Touch R to side, Touch R back, Step R to Center
5-8Touch L toe fwd. Touch L to side, Touch L back, Step L to Center

Alternate R Knee ups, R/L/R/L
1-4Lift R knee up, R ft. down, L knee up L ft. down
5-8Lift R knee up, R ft. down, L knee up, L ft. down

Step Out, Out, In, In, Repeat
1-4Step R to side, Step L to side, Step R in, Step L in.
5-8Step R to side, Step L to side, Step R in, Step L in

That’s it! A fun Chair dance for all seniors. It makes them think their Line dancing when you put on the right song for them.
I hope you like it. My goal is to let them have as much fun as we do when we’re standing up and dancing.
All I ask is that you do not alter my routine without my permission.
Thank You, Georgie., or