On The Table

Phrased Intermediate
Silvia Schill (DE) & Andreas Zschaschel (DE) - February 2024
Stumblin' In - CYRIL

Sequenz: AA, BB, B*; AA, BB, B*; AA, AB**

The dance begins after 32 count, after using the vocals

Part/Part A (2 wall)
A1: Step, lock, locking shuffle forward r + l
1-2Step diagonally right forward with right - cross left foot behind right
3&4Step diagonally right forward with right - cross left foot behind right and step diagonally right forward with right
5-6Step diagonally left forward with left - cross right foot behind left
7&8Step diagonally left forward with left - cross right foot behind left and step diagonally left forward with left

A2: Rock forward, shuffle back turning ⅝ r, ½ turn r, ½ turn r, shuffle forward
1-2Step forward with right - weight back on left foot
3&4¼ turn right around and step right with right - move left foot next to right, ⅜ turn right around and step forward with right (7:30)
5-6½ turn right around and step back with left - ½ turn right around and step forward with right
7&8Step forward with left - move right foot next to left and step forward with left

A3: Walk 2, anchor step, ½ turn l, ½ turn l, ⅛ turn l/chassé l
1-22 steps forwards (r - l)
3&4Cross right foot behind left - step on the spot with left and small step backwards with right
5-6½ turn left around and step forward with left - ½ turn left around and step back with right
7&8⅛ turn left around and step left with left - move right foot next to left and step left with left (6 o'clock)

A4: Rock across-side-rock across-side-rock forward, back, back-touch
1-2&Cross right foot over left - weight back on left foot and step right with right
3-4&Cross left foot over right - weight back on right foot and step left with left
5-6Step forward with right - weight back on left foot
7-8&Step back with right - move left foot next to right, step back with left and and pull right foot next to left foot / touch

Part/part B (1 wall; starts 1st time towards 12 o'clock)
B1: Side, behind-side-cross, cross-side-behind-side-rock across-side-cross
1-2&Step right with right - cross left foot behind right and step right with right
3-4&Cross left foot over right - swing right foot forward in a circle, cross over left and step left with left
5-6&Cross right foot behind left - swing left foot back in a circle, cross behind right and step right with right
7&Cross left foot over right and weight back on right foot
8&Step left with left and cross right foot over left
Restart for B*: Break off here and continue with part A, thereby on '8&': 'Step left with left and tap right foot next to left'

B2: ¼ turn r, back-touch across-step, cross-side-behind, behind-¼ turn r-step-pivot ½ r-step touch
1-2&¼ turn right around and step back with left - swing right foot back in a circle, step back with right and touch the left toe slightly to the right of the right toe (3 o'clock)
3-4&Step forward with left - swing right foot forward in circle, cross over left and step left with left
5-6&Cross right foot behind left - swing left foot back in circle, cross behind right, thereby ¼ turn around and step forward with right (6 o'clock)
7&Step forward with left and ½ turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right (12 o'clock)
8&Step forward with left and touch right foot next to left foot

End for B**: The dance ends after '5-6&' - direction 12 o'clock; at the end 'step forward with left - touch right foot next to left')

Good Luck: Have fun practising: Silvia Schill & Andreas Zschaschel

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
Country Linedancer Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.