Texas Time

Ella Trumpfeller (USA) - February 2024
Texas Time - Keith Urban

Hold intro (option to make it 2W Dance)

*12:00 – 3:00
[1-16] Rock Recover, Triple Step, Lindy Left, ¼ turn R 4 Camels, Kick Ballchange, Coaster
1-8Rock R(1) recover L(2), behind(3) side(7) cross(4)(triple step=pas de bouree) Lindy Left(5-8)
9-16¼ turn R, 4 camel walks RLRL(1-4), Kick R(5) ball change RL(&6), Coaster RLR(7&8)

[17-32] L Toeback ½ turn L, Heel st Heel st Heel hold shuffle, chasse Lt oL sailor to 12:00 st kick st kick st kick ball change
17-24L toe back (1) ½ turn L step L (2) R Heel (3) st R(&) L Heel (4) st L(&)R Heel (5) hold(6) shuffle RLR (7&8) (9:00)
25-32Chasse L diag (4:30) LRL((1&2) Sailor RLR(3&4) turning to 12:00 st L(&) cross kick R(5) st R(&) cross kick L(6) st L(&) cross kick R(7) ball change RL (&8)

[33-48] shuffle R, shuffle L, slow coaster, 2 ¼ turn Monterey's Right
33-40Shuffle R forward (1&2) Shuffle L forward (3&4) Coaster RLR (5,6,7) step L forward(8)
41-48Monterey 2 times ¼ turns right: touch R out(1) step R 1/4 turn R(2), touch L out(3) step L (4) touch R out(5) step R 1/4 turn R(6), touch L out(7) step L (8) ending at 6:00

[49-64] vine R cross, rock RLR Ball change, Vine L ½ turn on count 3 to 12:00. finish vine step R, Rock LRL ball change
49-56Vine RLR(123) cross R(4) rock RLR (567)Ball change LR (&8)
57-64Vine LRL(1/2 turn)(123) step R(4), rock LRL(567) Ball Change RL (&8)

Repeat 64 counts 8 times to end of song – Option to make it a 2 wall dance by not turning on the last 8 count vine

contact Ella Trumpfeller ellatrump@gmail.com