Somebody's Someone

Phrased Improver
Mark Lewkowicz (USA) - March 2024
Nobody's Nobody - Brothers Osborne

Intro: 16 counts
Song Structure: A - Tag – A – B – A – Tag – A – B – A – A – B – A

A (Main): 32 Counts
Sec 1: Walk, Walk, Out, Out, In, Step Forward, ½ Pivot Turn, Shuffle Forward
1-2Step right foot forward, step left foot forward
&3&4Step right foot out to the side, step left foot out to the side, step right foot back to neutral, step left foot forward
5-6Step right foot forward, pivot 1/2 turn to the left (weight ends on left foot)
7&8Shuffle forward (right-left-right),

Sec 2: Rock Recover, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Rock Recover, Full Turn
1-2Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right foot
3&4Shuffle 1/2 turn to the left (left-right-left)
5-6Rock forward on right foot, recover weight onto left foot
7-8Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right, turn 1/2 right stepping back on left

Sec 3: Shuffle Forward Right, Rock Recover, Shuffle Back Left, Rock Recover
1&2Shuffle forward right (right-left-right)
3-4Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right foot
5&6Shuffle back left (left-right-left)
7-8Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left foot

Sec 4: Scissor Step Right, Rock Recover, Sailor ¼ Left, Stomp Stomp
1&2Step right to side, step left beside right, cross right over left
3-4Rock left to side, recover weight onto right
5&6Step left behind right, step right to side, turn 1/4 left and step left forward
7-8Stomp right, stomp left

B (Chorus): 16 Counts
Sec 1: Press Forward Right, Press Forward Left, Shuffle Back, Rock Recover
1-2&Press forward on right foot, recover weight onto left foot, step right together
3-4Press forward on left foot, recover weight onto right foot
5&6Shuffle back left (left-right-left)
7-8Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left foot

Sec 2: Kick Step Point, Kick Step Point, Jazz Box ½ Turn
1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot next to left, point left foot to the side
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left foot next to right, point right foot to the side
5-6Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
7-8Turn 1/4 right and step right foot to the side, turn 1/4 right and step left foot next to right

Tag: 4 counts
Scuff Hitch Back, Half pivot, Left Stomp
1&Scuff right heel forward, hitch right knee up
2Step back on right foot
3Pivot 1/2 turn to the right (weight ends on right foot)
4Stomp left foot forward next to right