
Ben Summerell (AUS)
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down

1-8Left step lock step scuff, right step lock step scuff
1-8Step left forward, touch right together, touch right toe back, touch right together, step back on right, touch left heel at 45 degree angle, step left together, scuff right forward
1-8Step right forward, ½ turn left taking weight onto left, step right forward, ½ turn left taking weight onto left, step right forward, ¼ turn left taking weight onto left, cross right over left, step left to left side
1-8Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side, step right in place, step left in place, cross right over left, step left to left side
1-8Touch right heel forward at 45 degree angle, step right together, cross left over right, touch right toe to right side, touch right toe together, touch right toe to right side, step right foot together, touch left heel forward at 45 degree angle
1-8Step left together, touch right toe to right side, step right together, touch left heel forward turning ¼ left, step left together, touch right toe to right side, step right together, step left forward
1-8Touch right toe to right side, bring right together, turning ¼ left touch left toe to left side, step left together, touch right toe to right side, step right together, touch left toe to left side, step left together
1-8Touch right toe to right side, bring right together, turning ¼ right touch left toe to left side, step left together, touch right toe to right side, turning ¼ right bring right together, turning ¼ right step left forward, turning ½ right step right forward


On the 2nd, 5th and 9th walls, there is a restart after the first 32 beats. To do the dance properly, you have to change counts 31 and 32, only on these walls

31-32¼ turn left stepping forward on right, scuff left forward
After that going straight into the beginning of the dance