Lil Star
David J. McDonagh (WLS)
CHASSE ¼ TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ HEEL JACK1&2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right3&4Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left5-6Cross-step right over left, step back on left&7¼ turn right while stepping right to right side, cross-step left over right&8Step right to right side, tap left heel forward to left diagonal (6:00)&-WALK-WALK, APPLEJACK (LEFT / RIGHT), TOUCH ¼ TURN, STEP-½-HITCH&1-2Step left beside right, step forward on right, step left beside right (shoulder width apart)&Weight on left heel and right toe: swivel left toe and right heel to left3Weight on left heel and right toe: swivel left toe and right heel to center&Weight on right heel and left toe: swivel right toe and left heel to right4Weight on right heel and left toe: swivel right toe and left heel to center5-6Touch right toe back, pivot ¼ turn right (weight ends on right)7&8Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, hitch left knee (3:00)POINT-&-POINT-&, POINT-HITCH, BEHIND-KICK, CROSS-KICK1&Point left toe to left side, step left beside right2&Point right toe to right side, step right beside left3-4Point left toe to left side, hitch left knee towards left diagonal5-6Cross-step left behind right, kick right foot to right side7-8Cross-step right over left, hitch left knee towards left diagonal (3:00) Optional: on count 4, instead of hitching complete a full turn over left shoulder on the ball of right foot while hitching left knee - and all in a single count (a.k.a. Pirouette)STEP-KICK-KICK, SAILOR ¼ TURN, STEP ½ PIVOT, ½ STEP1Step forward on left towards left diagonal2-3Kick right forward to left diagonal, kick right back to right diagonal4Cross-step right behind left (straightening up to the 9:00 wall)&5¼ turn right stepping left beside right, step forward on right6-7Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right8On ball of right turn ½ turn right stepping back on left (6:00)BACK, ½ TURN, ROCK-STEP, LOCK SHUFFLE (BACK), ¾ TRIPLE TURN1-2Step back on right, ½ turn left over left shoulder stepping forward on left3-4Rock forward on right, recover the weight on left5&6Step back on right, cross-step left over right, step back on right7&8¾ turn over left shoulder stepping: left, right, left (ending with feet together) (9:00)REPEAT