Line Dance Stretch
Lois Sturgeon (AUS)
No One Else On Earth - Wynonna
1-2Slide right foot forward (toe pointed forward right knee bent & facing forward left leg straight), hold3-4Straighten right leg bending left knee forward, bend right knee forward straightening left leg5-8Repeat last 4 beats 1Slide right foot forward full stretch (right knee bent, left leg straight, both heels on floor)2-4Hold for 3 beats5-8Lift/pull right toe up straightening right leg, hold 3 beats 1-4Fan right toe to left turning ¼ left, twist heels in, toes in, heels in (feet are together)5-6Slide left foot forward (toe pointed forward, left knee bent & facing forward right leg straight), hold7-8Straighten left leg bending right knee forward, bend left knee forward straightening right leg 1-2Slide left foot forward (toe pointed forward, left knee bent & facing forward right leg straight), hold3-4Straighten left leg bending right knee forward, bend left knee forward straightening right leg5Slide left foot forward full stretch (left knee bent, right leg straight, both heels on floor)6-8Hold for 3 beats 1-4Lift/pull left toe up straightening left leg, hold 3 beats5-8Fan left toe to right turning ¼ right, twist heels in, toes in, heels in (feet are together)1-4Swing/step right toe across behind left, lift right hip up & to right, hold, hold dropping right heel5-8Swing/step left toe across behind, right lift left hip up & to left, hold, hold dropping left heel 1-2Step right foot to right side with foot pointing 45 degrees right & knee bent (over toes), hold3-4Step left foot to left side with foot pointing 45 degrees left & knee bent (over toes), hold5-8Twist upper body to left (looking over left shoulder) swinging left arm behind waist, right arm across in front of waist, hold, hold 1-4Twist upper body to right (looking over right shoulder) swinging right arm behind waist, left arm across in front of waist, hold, hold5-8Straighten left leg keeping right leg bent, straighten right leg, slide right foot next to left (2 beats) 1-2Tap right toe to right bending left knee, clasp right toe with right hand pulling right foot up behind body (both knees together & facing front)3-6Straighten left leg (as much as comfortable), hold, hold, step right next to left7-8Roll knees to the right full circle 1-2Tap left toe to left bending right knee, clasp left toe with left hand pulling left foot up behind body (both knees together & facing front)3-6Straighten right leg (as much as comfortable), hold, hold, step left next to right7-8Roll knees to the left full circle 1-2Roll right shoulder full circle front to back (2 beats)3-4Roll left shoulder full circle front to back (2 beats)5-8Circle hips 2 full circles to the left 1-2Roll left shoulder full circle front to back (2 beats)3-4Roll right shoulder full circle front to back (2 beats)5-7&8Shrug shoulders up, push shoulders down, shake shoulders & arms 3 timesREPEAT