Little Patch Of Heaven
Doug Miranda (USA) & Jackie Miranda (USA)
Little Patch of Heaven - k.d. lang
CROSS TOUCH, SIDE POINT, SHUFFLE, CROSS TOUCH, SIDE POINT, SHUFFLE1-2Touch right forward across left, point right to right side3&4Step right forward, close left beside right, step right forward5-6Touch left forward across right, point left to left side7&8Step left forward, close right beside left, step left forwardSTEP ½ PIVOT, STEP ¼ PIVOT, STEP, KICK, STEP BACK, TOUCH BACK1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left3-4Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left5-6Step right forward, kick left forward7-8Step left back, touch right backSTEP FORWARD, OUT, OUT, TOES, HEELS, TOES, V-STEPS1&2Step right forward, step left to left side, step right to right side (weight even)3&4Turn both toes into center, turn both heels into center, turn both toes into center5-6Step right diagonally forward right, step left diagonally forward left7-8Step right back into center, step left beside rightMONTEREY ½ TURN RIGHT, LEFT WEAVE, SIDE STEP, HOLD1-2Point right to right side, turn ½ right stepping right beside left3-4Point left to left side, touch left beside right5&Step left to left side, cross right behind left6&Step left to left side, cross right over left7-8Step left large step to left side, holdREPEATRESTART During 5th wall, replace count 28 with4Step left beside right And restart from beginningBREAK Toward the end of the song there is a pause in the music during the first 8 counts. Step left forward on count 7, then hold on the word "nest" (eliminating the shuffle). Continue holding until the song starts again and continue with count 9 on the word "little"ENDING On completing the Monterey turn you will be facing the home wall. Step left forward and pose.