James O. Kellerman (USA)
Clown in Your Rodeo - Kathy Mattea
Alt. music: Bubba Hyde by Diamond Rio
STOMP, HOLD, STOMP, HOLD, STOMP, SNAP, SAILOR SHUFFLE:1Stomp forward on right2Hold3Stomp forward on left4Hold5Stomp forward on right6Snap fingers7Cross step left behind right&Step 1/8 turn to the right on right8Step to left on left (parallel to right foot)SAILOR SHUFFLES, TWIST, TWIST-TURN, KICK-BALL-CHANGE:9Cross step right behind left&Step to left on left10Step 1/8 turn to the right on right (completing ¼ turn right)11Cross step left behind right&Step to right on right12Step to left on left (feet shoulder width apart)13Lift heels off floor and twist body and head 1/8 turn right14On balls of feet, pivot 3/8 turn left (facing starting wall)15Kick right foot forward&Step ball of right next to left16Change weight to leftKNEE SHAKES AND HIP ROLLS:17Touch toes of right to right and push knee to right&Return knee to center18Push knee to right&Return knee to center19Push knee to right&Return knee to center20Return knee to center and shift weight to right foot21Roll hips to right and over22Roll hips to left and down23Roll hips to right and over24Roll hips to left and downKICK, TURN, STOMP, STOMP, MONTEREY TURN:25Kick right foot forward26Keeping right knee bent, pivot ¼ turn left on ball of left27Stomp right next to left28Stomp left next to right29Touch toes of right to the right30Pivot ½ turn right on ball of left and step right next to left31Touch toes of left to left side32Step left next to rightREPEAT