Perfect Beat

Kay Ollerhead & Stephen Ollerhead
Keep On Movin' - Five

1-4Stomp right, kick right foot forward, ¼ right sailor turn
5-8Stomp left, kick left foot forward, ¼ left sailor turn
9-11&12Heel switches:- right, left, right, clap hands twice
13-16Jazz box (right over left)
17-20Stomp right foot, hold for 1 count, left shuffle forward(left, right, left)
21-24Stomp right foot, hold for 1 count, left shuffle forward(left, right, left)
Alternative steps
17&18&19&20Right heel, together, left heel, together, right shuffle forward
21&22&23&24Left heel, together, right heel, together, left shuffle forward
25-28Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
29-32Rock forward on left foot, rock back on right foot, left coaster step
33-36Rock right out to right side, hold, bring left foot to meet right and rock right foot out to right side
37-40Cross rock left foot over right foot, rock back on right foot, shuffle left making a ¼ turn left (left, right, left)
41-44Right kick ball step, body roll over 2 counts
45-48Right kick ball step, body roll over 2 counts
49-51&52Rock right foot out to right side, recover onto left foot, cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side and cross right foot over left foot
53-56Rock left foot to left side, recover onto right foot, left ¼ coaster turn (left, right, left)
57-60Step forward on right foot, ¼ pivot turn left, walk right, left
61&62-63-64Kick right foot forward, step back right, step back left (feet shoulder width apart), bring both heels in together, then both toes in


After walls 2 and 3, repeat the first eight steps before starting the next wall