Rainbow Road

Jan Wyllie (AUS)
The Rainbow Down the Road - Patty Loveless & Radney Foster

1-2-3&4Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, shuffle back left, right, left
5-6-7-8Rock/step back on right, rock forward on left, walk forward right, left
9-10Rock/step forward on right, rock back on left
11&12Making ½ turn right back over right shoulder shuffle forward right, left, right
13&14Making a further ½ turn right shuffle back left, right, left
If you have trouble with turns just shuffle straight back right, left, right left, right, left
15-16Rock/step back on right, rock forward on left
17-18Kick right across left step right across left
19-20Rock/step left to left, rock weight to right
21-22Kick left across right, step left across right
23-24Rock/step right to right, rock weight to left
25&26Stomp right beside left, step right beside left, step left to left
27&28Stomp right beside left, step right beside left, step forward on left
29-30Rock/step forward on right, rock back on left
31&32Making a ¾ turn right step right, left, right
If you have a problem with turns, do this instead of the final ¾ turn
31&32Step back on right, making ¼ left step left to left, step forward on right