Red Moon Waltz

Intermediate waltz
Jan Wyllie (AUS)
Red Moon Over Lugano - Jann Browne

1-3Step forward on left, slide right to left, step right beside left
4-6Step forward on left, step right, left together
7-9Step forward on right, hold, making ¼ turn left step left slightly forward
10-12Step forward on right, step left, right together
13-15Step forward on left, hold, kick right backwards (low)
16Step back on right commencing a ½ turn left
17-18Step left, right together completing the turn
19-21Step forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left
22-24Waltz forward right-left-right
25-27Step forward on left, tap right toe behind left heel twice
28-30Step back on right commencing a ½ turn left, step left, right together completing turn
31-33Step forward on left, tap right toe behind left heel twice
34-36Step back on right, making ¼ turn left step left to left side, step right to right
The next series of serpentine steps move backwards
37-39Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
40-42Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
43-45Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
46Step/stomp right behind left (bend knee to get some 'push' power for the next step)
47-48Making ¾ turn left on ball of right foot swing left leg around in an arc
If you have trouble with this last step (3 counts), just step back on right and walk around in a ¾ turn left stepping left-right