Rockin The Country
David J. Woods (UK) & Karen Woods (UK)
Rockin' The Country - Magill
CHASSE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, CHASSE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, ROCK BACK1&2Step right to side, close left beside right, step right to side3-4Rock back on left foot, recover onto right5&6Step left to side, close right beside left, step left to side7-8Rock back on right, recover onto leftSIDE RIGHT, CLAP, 2 X ½ TURNS TO RIGHT WITH CLAPS, CHASSE LEFT9-10Step right to side, hold and clap hands11-12On ball of right make ½ turn right stepping left to side, hold and clap hands13-14On ball of left make ½ turn right stepping right to side, hold and clap hands15&16Step left to side, close right beside left, step left to sideTOE TOUCH, HOLD, HEEL TOUCH, HOLD, TOE & HEELS SWITCHES WITH HOLD17-18Touch right toe beside left, hold&19-20Step right beside left, touch left heel forward, hold&21Step left beside right, touch right toe beside left&22Step right beside left, touch left heel forward&23-24Step left beside right, touch right toe beside left, holdSIDE ROCK, CROSS SHUFFLE, SIDE ROCK, MODIFIED SAILOR STEP25-26Rock right to side, recover onto left27&28Cross step right over left, step left to side, cross step right over left29-30Rock left to side, recover onto right31&32Step left behind right, step right to side, step left foot forwardSHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK, STEP LOCK BACK, COASTER STEP33&34Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right35-36Rock forward on left, recover onto right37&38Step back on left, lock right foot in front of left, step back on left39&40Step right back, step left beside right, step forward on rightLEFT STRUT, RIGHT STRUT, HIP BUMPS41-42Touch left toe forward, drop left heel to floor43-44Touch right toe forward, drop right heel to floor45-46Bump hips forward right twice47-48Bump hips back left twice"DO THE DEREK" SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP, PIVOT ½ TURN49-50Roll hips in a to the right motion over two counts51-52Roll hips in a to the right motion over two counts53&54Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right55-56Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn over right shoulderWALK FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD, HEEL SWITCHES, HOLD57-58Step forward on left, step forward on right59&60Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left61&Touch right heel forward, step right beside left62&Touch left heel forward, step left beside right63-64Touch right heel forward, hold (and touch tip of cowboy hat!!)REPEATTAG The eight count tag is to be performed after the third and fifth walls MODIFIED JAZZ BOX STEPS1-2Cross right over left, step back on left3-4Step right to side, scuff left forward5-6Cross left over right, step back on right7-8Step left to side, touch right beside left