Seven Up (& Getting Funky)
Adrian Churm (UK)
Don't Stop Movin' - S Club 7
KICK STEP TOUCH, HEEL TAP, HEEL SWING, HEEL TAP, KICK, COASTER STEP, ROCK AND CROSS1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot next to left, touch left toe slightly forward with knee bent (heel raised)3&4&Drop left heel down, lift left heel up swinging it slightly to the left, swing heel back to the center, kick left foot forward5&6Step left foot back, close right foot to left, step left foot forward7&8Rock right foot to right side, replace weight onto left, cross right foot in front of leftTWIST, KICK, COASTER STEP, FUNKY GRAPEVINE WITH A QUARTER TURN LEFT9&10Twist both heel right, back to center, weight ending on left foot, kick right foot forward Alternative: twist right heel to the right and back to center and kick right foot forward11&12Step right foot back, close left foot next to right, step right foot forward13-16Funky grapevine - step left foot to the left side turning body diagonally right, step right foot back and behind left turning body back to center, make a quarter turn to the left and step left foot forward, touch right foot next to left with right knee turned into the left. This should be danced with knees flexing, or any other funky movements that fit to these four countsCROSS POINT, SIDE POINT, SAILOR STEP STEP, CROSS ROCK, RONDE, BALL STEP17-18Point right foot forward and across left, point right foot to right side19&20Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, step right foot slightly to the right side21-22Step left foot forward and across right, replace weight back onto right23&24Sweep left foot around to the left to behind right, step onto ball of left foot, step forward rightROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, TRIPLE FORWARD, SYNCOPATED THREE STEP TURN25-26Step left foot forward, replace weight back onto right27&28Step left foot back, close right foot next to left, step right foot forward29&30Shuffle forward right, left, right31&32Step left foot forward, make a half turn right, step right foot in place, step left foot forwardREPEAT