Take It Easy

Linda Burgess (AUS)
I'm the One - Gary Allan

1-2&Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side
3-4Cross left in front of right, step right to side
5&Cross left behind right, step right to side
6-7Cross left in front of right, step right to side
8Step left beside right
1-4Step forward right & pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right & pivot ¼ turn left
5-8Step forward right, tap left toe behind right, step back left, tap right beside left
1-16Repeat the last 16 counts
1&2-3&4(Right heel ball cross) tap right heel to a right 45 degrees, step right slightly back on ball of foot, step left across in front of right repeat heel ball cross
5&6(Side shuffle) step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side
7-8Rock back on left, rock forward onto right
1-8Repeat the last 8 counts to the left
1&2(Shuffle forward) step forward right, step left beside right, step forward right
3&4(Shuffle forward) step forward left, step right beside left, step forward left
5-8Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, rock back onto right, rock forward onto left
1-4(Weave right) step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right
5-8(Monterey turn) tap/point right to side, turn ½ turn right on left, step right beside left, tap/point left to side, step left beside right