Tulsa Shuffle (P)

Jill Geeson (UK)
The Tulsa Shuffle - The Tractors

Position: Open Double hand hold. Man facing outside, opposite feet

1Left foot step forward to lady's right side
2Kick right foot forward
3-4Right foot step down, left toe touch back
5Left foot step forward to lady's right side
6Kick right foot forward
7-8Right foot step down, left foot touch beside right
Drop hands
9-11Three step turn to the left on left, right, left
12Right foot touch beside left (take up hands)
13Right foot step to the side
14Left foot touch beside right (drop left hand)
15Left foot step to the side and ¼ turn left
16Right foot scuff forward
17-19Walk back on right, left, right
20Left foot touch beside right
Take partner's right hand on next step
21Left foot step forward and ¼ turn right
22Hitch right knee
23Right foot step to the side and ¼ turn right
24Hitch left knee
25Left foot step forward and ¼ turn right
Change hands
26Hitch right knee
27Right foot step to the side and ¼ turn right
28Hitch left knee
29&30Left shuffle forward on left, right, left
31&32Right shuffle forward on right, left, right
33-34Left foot step forward, slide right foot up to left
35-36Left foot step forward, scuff right foot forward
37-38Right foot step forward, slide left foot up to right
39-40Right foot step forward, scuff left foot forward
41-43Three step turn to the left on left, right, left
44Right foot touch beside left and clap
45-47Three step turn to the right on right, left, right
48Left foot touch beside right (take up inside hands)
49-50Left foot step to the side, right foot touch behind left
51Right foot step to the side and ¼ turn right
Now facing partner take up both hands
52Left foot touch behind right
53-54Left foot step to the side, right foot cross behind left
55-56Left foot step to the side, kick right foot across left
57-58Right foot step to the side, left foot cross behind right
59-60Right foot step to the side, kick left foot across right
Shuffles are danced facing partner and holding hands while moving sideways in LOD
61&62Left shuffle on left, right, left
Right foot goes in front on right shuffles
63&64Right shuffle on right, left, right
65&66Left shuffle on left, right, left
Right foot goes in front on right shuffles
67&68Right shuffle on right, left, right


1Right foot step forward to man's left side

2Kick left foot forward
3-4Left foot step down, right toe touch back
5Right foot step forward to man's left side
6Kick left foot forward
7-8Left foot step down, right foot touch beside left
9-11Three step turn to the right on right, left, right
12Left foot touch beside right
13Left foot step to the side
14Right foot touch beside left
15Right foot step to the side and ¼ turn right
16Left foot scuff forward
17-19Walk back on left, right, left
20Right foot touch beside left
21Right foot step forward and ¼ turn left
22Hitch left knee
23Left foot step to the side and ¼ turn left
24Hitch right knee
25Right foot step forward and ¼ turn left
26Hitch left knee
27Left foot step to the side and ¼ turn left
28Hitch right knee
29&30Right shuffle forward on right, left, right
31&32Left shuffle forward on left, right, left
33-34Right foot step forward, slide left foot up to right
35-36Right foot step forward, scuff left foot forward
37-38Left foot step forward, slide right foot up to left
39-40Left foot step forward, scuff right foot forward
41-43Three step turn to the right on right, left, right
44Left foot touch beside right and clap
45-47Three step turn to the left on left, right, left
48Right foot touch beside left
49-50Right foot step to the side, left foot touch behind right
51Left foot step to the side and ¼ turn left
52Right foot touch behind left
53-54Right foot step to the side, left foot cross behind right
55-56Right foot step to the side, kick left foot across right
57-58Left foot step to the side, right foot cross behind left
59-60Left foot step to the side, kick right foot across left
Shuffles are danced facing partner and holding hands while moving sideways in LOD
61&62Right shuffle on right, left, right
Left foot goes in front on left shuffles
63&64Left shuffle on left, right, left
65&66Right shuffle on right, left, right
Left foot goes in front on left shuffles
67&68Left shuffle on left, right, left