Walk Outside The Line (Video)
Anita Williams (USA)
T-R-O-U-B-L-E - Travis Tritt
RIGHT FOOT TWISTS, TOE/HEEL CROSSOVER1-4On right toe -- pivot heel out knee in, heel in, heel out, heel in (twist foot)5-8Right heel front, cross right toe front, heel, togetherLEFT FOOT TWISTS, TOE/HEEL CROSSOVER1-4On left toe -- pivot heel out knee in, heel in, heel out, heel in (twist foot)5-8Left heel front, cross left toe front, heel, togetherSTRUT FORWARD1-8Strut -- right heel, flat, left heel, flat, right heel, flat, left heel, flatWALK AROUND TWICE1-8Walk around twice, touch left toe and clap on 8FULL LEFT TURN PLUS ¼ LEFT TURN WITH GRAPEVINE1-3Full left turn stepping left, right, left4Right foot scuff and ¼ turn to the left5-8Right grapevine, stomp left foot on 8REPEAT