Whatcha Gonna Do

Whatcha Gonna Do? - Prairie Oyster

1&2Kick right forward, step ball of right next to left & step ball of left next to right, (kick ball change)
3-4Stomp right next to left, clap
5&6&7Touch right heel forward, step right next to left & touch left heel forward, step left together & touch right heel forward
8Lift right heel in front of left knee
1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right
3-4Twist heels right turning ¼ turn left, twist heels left turning ¼ turn, right
5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right
7-8Step left forward, pivot turn ½ turn right transferring weight to right
1&2Kick left forward, step ball of left next to right & step ball of right next to left, (kick ball change)
3-4Stomp left next to right, clap
5&6&7Touch left heel forward, step left next to right & touch right heel forward, step right together & touch right heel forward
8Hitch left heel in front of right knee
1&2Shuffle forward left, right, left
3-4Twist heels left turning ¼ turn right, twist heels right turning ¼ turn left
5&6Shuffle forward left, right, left
7-8Step right forward, pivot turn ½ turn left transferring weight to left
1-2Moving to right and turning 1 ¼ turns right, step right, left
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right,
5&6Touch left heel forward, step left next to right and step right forward
7&8Touch left heel forward, step left next to right and step right forward
1&2Rock/step left forward, rock/step right back
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left while turning ½ turn left
5-6Turn ½ turn left stepping back on right, turn ½ turn left stepping left forward
7&8Shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Rock step forward on left, rock/step back on right
3&4Step left back, step right together & step left forward, (coaster step)
5&6Step right across in front of left, step left back & touch right heel forward at 45 degrees right
&7&8Step right back & step left across in front of right, step right back & touch left heel forward at 45 degrees left
&1-2Step left back & right forward, pivot ¼ turn left
3&4Step right across in front of left, step left to left & step right across in front of left, (cross shuffle)
5-6Rock/step left to left, rock/step right to right
7&8Step left across behind right, step right to right and left to left, (sailor shuffle)