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Pauline Mason (UK) & Alex Jay (UK)
I Can Love You Better - The Chicks
RIGHT FOOT SWIVEL, RIGHT HEEL, LEFT HEEL, STEP TOGETHER1&2Swivel right toe out, in, out, moving away from left ending in a lunge position with weight over right foot with right heel lifted3Turn head to right side4Turn head back to center and draw right foot to left ending with feet together, weight on left foot5&6Place right heel forward, step right next to left, place left heel forward&7Step left to right, take big step forward with right slightly8Drag left foot along floor to join right with body roll forwardSIDE TOUCHES, KICK BALL CHANGE, WALKS & HIP CIRCLES1&2&Touch right foot to right side, step right next to left, touch left foot to left side, step left foot next to right3&4Kick right foot forward, step on to ball of right, step on to left foot on the spot To add style, kick right across body to left diagonal front, step right behind body on ball of foot & turn head to look behind body, step left foot in place turning head back round to front5-6Walk forward right, step left forward placing ball of foot on the floor turning upper body to right diagonal (2:00)7-8Circle hips in washing machine action towards front leg hip up, back to back leg, hip down, transferring weight on to leftPOINT TURN, KICK & TOUCH RIGHT & LEFT1-2Point right foot forward, point right foot back (Charleston action)3-4Leaving right leg behind body, turn body ½ turn right touch right next to left To advance instead of pointing leg, kick right forward kick right back, hitch knee on ½ turn, touch right next to left5&6Kick right leg forward, step on right to right side, touch left toe behind right heel7&8Kick left leg forward, step on left to left side, touch right toe behindOUT, OUT, KNEE TWISTS, JUMP TOGETHER, PADDLE1-2Step right to right side, step left to left side, ending with feet wide apart, knees slightly bent&3Swivel heels outwards, knees in, jump toes out, knees in, out with a deeper bend4Jump feet together5&Touch right to right side, hitch right knee6&Touch right to right side turning ¼ turn left, hitch7&8&Right knee x3REPEAT