JGP (Just Got Paid)
Angela Bacon (USA)
Just Got Paid - *NSYNC
Dance starts 16 counts after dance beat begins as they sing the first "Just Got Paid"TOE TOUCHES, SIDE PUSH & CROSS, RIGHT CROSS STEP, TOUCH BACK & STEP1&2&Touch right toe to side, step right foot beside left, touch left toe to side, step left foot beside right3&4Bending right knee slightly lean body to the right while stepping to the side on right foot, shift weight to left foot, cross right foot over left5-6Step left foot to side, step right foot over left7&8Touch left toe back, while raising left knee slightly, scoot back on right foot, step forward on left footKICK, ¼ TURN, STEP-ROCK-STEP, KICK, STEP, HEEL BOUNCES1-2Kick right foot forward, turn ¼ to the right stepping right foot behind left&3&4Swing left foot behind right, step left foot back, rock forward onto right foot, step back onto left foot5-6Kick right foot forward, step right foot behind left.7&8Bounce heels slightly off floor while turning ½ turn to the rightSKATE STEPS, FEET OUT, HOLD, BODY ROLL1&2&Angling body slightly right slide right foot to side, slide left foot over to right, angling body slightly to the left slide left foot to side, slide right foot over to left3&4Angling body slightly to the right slide right foot to side, slide left foot over to right, slide right foot to side slightly (weight on right foot)&5-6Step left foot out, step right foot, hold.7-8Body rollKICKS, STEP, CROSS, HOLD, HEEL BOUNCES1&2&Kick right foot across in front of left, bending right knee slightly bring right foot next to left leg, kick right foot to side, bending right knee slightly bring right foot next to left leg3&4Repeat steps 1&2&5-6Step onto right foot, cross left foot over right, hold7&8Bouncing heels off floor slightly, unwind ½ turn to the right On counts 1-4 lean body slightly in the opposite direction you are kicking. This will help you keep you balance...& you'll look cool!REPEATFINISH The dance will end on count 17 (the first skate step). As you step out with right foot, raise arms slowly & pose.