Stephen Sunter (UK)
Fever - Kylie Minogue
WALK FORWARD, ½ TURN, STEP FORWARD, STEP, PIVOT, SWEEP, SAILOR STEP1-2Step forward right, step forward left3Step forward right4Pivot ½ right on ball of right foot bringing left next to right5-6Step forward left, step forward right7Pivot ½ left and sweep left round making ¼ turn left8&1Step left behind right, right to right side, step left to leftCROSS ROCK, SIDE STEP, JAZZ BOX, SWAY, SLIDE TOGETHER2&3Rock right over left, replace weight to left, side step right4-5-6Cross step left over right, step back right, side step left7Sway upper body to left and push weight back over to right8Slide left next to rightHIP BUMPS, GRIND, HIP BUMPS, ROCK BACK1&2Bump hips left, right, left, bending knees3-4Grind hips to right side and straighten knees has you bring hips back to center5&6Bump hips left, right, left7-8Rock right back behind left, replace weight to leftRIGHT STEP A ¼ TURN, POINT LEFT WITH ¼ TURN, CROSS ½ TURN, CROSS, BACK, SIDE1Making a ¼ turn right step forward right2Making a ¼ turn right point left to left3Cross step left over right4Making a ¼ turn left step back on right5Making a ¼ turn left step left-to-left side6&7Cross right over left, step back left, side step right8Step forward leftREPEATTAG 1 End of 3rd wall1-2Rock forward right, replace weight to left&3-4Jump slightly back and step out on right, out on left, holdTAG 2 End of 7th wall1-2Step forward right, step forward left3-4Rock forward right, replace weight to left&5-6Jump slightly back and step out on right, out on left, hold7-8Hold, hold