Chillicothe Flyer

Clive McKenzie (AUS)
To the Border and Beyond - Collin Raye

1-4Vine right, hitch left
5-6Step forward left, slide right together
7-8Step forward left, slide right together
9-10Touch right to right, right together
11Slide left back and right toe forward (touch front brim of hat with right hand)
12Jump feet together
13-16Repeat last 4 beats on the opposite feet
17-20Swivel heels right, center, left, center
21-24Vine left, hitch right and scoot forward on left
25-26Tap right heel front, hitch right and scoot back on left
27-28Step right to right, cross left behind right
29-32Full turn to the right stepping right-left-right, scuff left
33-34Step left toe forward, drop left heel
35-36Step right toe forward, drop right heel
37-38Swivel heels right, center (on balls of feet-right foot is in front of left)
39-40Drop left heel, kick right
41-42Step right toe back, drop right heel
43-44Step left toe back, drop left heel
45-46Swivel heels right, center (on balls of feet-right foot is in front of left)
47-48Drop left heel, kick right
49-50Step back right, lift left
51-52Step on left, lift right
53-54Step forward right, rock back on left
55-56¾ turn to the right stepping right, left