Chromatic Static (Retro Rex The Robot)
Adrian Churm (UK)
Retro Rex (The Robot) - Scooter Lee
The dance will start off doing the front and back wall first followed by the two side walls etcWEAVE WITH SYNCOPATION TO RIGHT, HOLD, SIDE ROCK, SYNCOPATED WEAVE LEFT, QUARTER TURN INTO A HEEL JACK, CROSS ROCK, HALF TURN WALK1-2&3-4Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to the right, step left foot across right, hold for one beat of music5-6-7&8Step right foot to the right, replace weight onto the left, step right foot behind left, step left foot to the left, step right foot across left9-10&11&12Step left foot to the left, step right foot behind left, make a quarter turn to the right and step left foot back, touch right heel forward, close right foot towards left, step left foot forward13-16Step right foot forward and across left, replace weight back onto left foot commencing to make a half turn right, walk forward right (completing turn), walk forward leftHEEL SWITCHES, STEP, TWIST, TWIST, STEP BACK, CLOSE FORWARD SHUFFLE (REPEAT ON OPPOSITE FOOT)17&18&Touch right heel forward, close right foot to left, touch left heel forward, close left foot to right19&20Step right foot forward (small step), raise up onto balls of both feet and twist heels right, lower down as you twist heels back to center21-22Step right foot back, close left foot to right23&24Shuffle forward right, left, right25&26&Touch left heel forward, close left foot to right, touch right heel forward, close right foot to left27&28Step left foot forward (small step), raise up onto balls of both feet and twist heels left lower down as you twist heels back to center29-30Step left foot back, close right foot to left31&32Shuffle forward left, right, leftCROSS ROCK, ½ TURN SHUFFLE MOVING BACK, PIVOT TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ¼ TURN LEFT (ROBOTICS STYLE)33-34Step right foot forward and across left, replace weight back onto left foot35&36Moving back make a half turn to the right as you shuffle right, left, right37-38Step left foot forward, make a half turn right (weight ends on right foot)39&40Shuffle forward left, right, left41-44Step right foot forward (bringing left arm forward and right arm back), hold for one beat, bring right arm forward and left arm back as you look to your left, turn a quarter to the left on balls of both feet to face next wallREPEATTAG 1 At the end of the 2nd, 4th, 5th & 7th repetition of the dance repeat steps 41-44TAG 2 After the 4th repetition of the dance (after you have repeated counts 41-44), do as follows: TOE STRUT TURNS, (MOON WALK TURNING)1-2Step forward onto right toes, lower right heel down as left foot slips back touching left toes back3-4Make a quarter turn left over left foot lowering left heel5-16Repeat three more times until you have made a full turn