Start Me Up

Susan Bangonkale (SG) - July 2008
Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones

(1 – 8) Rock L recover, Full R Turn, Rock R recover, ¼ R coaster (3 o'clock)
1-2 Rock L over R, recover on R
3-4 Full L turn (option: 3 step full turn)
5-6 Rock R over L
7&8 Step ¼ right on R, step L together, step R forward

(9 -16) ½ Right Turn, Full Left turn, Heel tap, heel switches R, L (9 o'clock)
1-2 Step L forward ½ R turn, step R forward
3-4 Full L turn (option: 3 step full turn)
5-6& Step R forward, tap L behind R; Recover on L
7&8& R heel forward; recover R next to L, L heel forward; Recover L next to R

(17-24) ¼ R turn, Body roll,1/2 L turn, walk R,L (6 o'clock)
1-2 ¼ right turn stepping R long step to the right, drag L towards R
3-4 Body roll in figure 8
&5-6 Recover on L, step R forward, ½ L turn, step L forward
7- 8 Walk forward R, L

(25-32) ½ R tap, ¼ R tap, Rock, Full L turn (9 o'clock)
&1&2 1/2 R turn, tap L next to R, ¼ R turn, tap R next to L
3&4 R forward, step L behind R, step R forward
5-6 Step L over R, recover on R
7-8 Full L turn

No Restart, no tag. ENJOY