Beautiful Now

Claire Butterworth (UK) - September 2008
Beautiful Now - Alex Woodard

Sect 1: Hip Sways & Step And slide x2.
1 -2 Sway hips right, Sway hips left.
3-4 Step right to right side, slide left to touch beside right.
5-6 Sway hips to left, sway hips to right.
7-8 Step left to left side, slide right to touch beside left.

Sect 2: Heel Struts, Rock Back, ΒΌ Turn Left, Close.
1-2 Touch right heel forward, drop toes to floor.
3-4 Touch left heel forward, drop toes to floor.
5-6 Rock back on right, recover weight onto left.
7-8 Make a quarter turn left stepping right to right side, close left beside right (taking weight).

Sect 3: Cross & Point x2, Walk Back, Toe Touch.
1-2 Cross right over left, point left to left side.
3-4 Cross left over right, point right to right side.
5-6 walk back on right, walk back on left.
7-8 walk back on right, touch left beside right.

Sect 4: Cross & Point x2, Walk Back, Toe Touch.
1-2 Cross left over right, point right to right side.
3-4 Cross right over left, point left to left side.
5-6 Walk back on left, walk back on right.
7-8 walk back on left, touch right beside left.