Bad Habit

Lesley Clark (SCO) - September 2008
Out of Habit - BR5-49 : (CD: Big Backyard Beat Show)

Intro: Start on the word Baby. Track starts with the words "Well I was gone a couple of days, my Baby".. Start

Toe Strut Jazz Box
1-2 Cross right toe over left, step down on right heel
3-4 Step left toe back, step down on left heel
5-6 Step right toe to right side, step down on right heel
7-8 Cross left toe over right, step down on left heel

Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold, Right & Left
1-2 Rock out on right, recover on left
3-4 Cross step right over left, hold
5-6 Rock out on left, recover on right
7-8 Cross step left over right, hold

Side Toe Struts, Side Shuffle, Rock, Recover
1-2 Step right toe to right side, step down on right heel
3-4 Cross left toe over right, step down on left heel
5&6 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
7-8 Rock back on left, recover on right

Side Toe Struts, Side Shuffle, Rock, Recover
1-2 Step left toe to left side, step down on left heel
3-4 Cross right toe over left, step down on right heel
5&6 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8 Rock back on right, recover on left

Right Vine ½ Turn Scuff, Left Vine, Scuff
1-2 Step right to right side, cross step left behind right
3-4 ½ turn right stepping on right foot, scuff left forward
5-6 Step left to left side, cross step right behind left
7-8 Step left to left side, scruff right forward

Step, Cross Step, Step, Kick, Right & Left
1-2 Step right to right side, cross step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, kick left to the left diagonal
5-6 Step left to left side, cross step right over of left
7-8 Step le ft to left side, kick right to the right diagonal

Side Right, Hold & Side Right, Hold, Hip Roll
1-2& Step right to right side, hold, step left next to right
3-4 Step right to right side, hold ( feet apart )
5-8 Roll hips anti clockwise on 4 counts

Start Again

TAG: At The End Of Walls 2+5 Add
1-2 Step forward on right heel, step forward on left heel
3-4 Step back on right, step back on left
5-6 Step forward on right heel, step forward on left heel
7-8 Step back on right, step back on left