Hyde N Seek

Moses Bourassa Jr. (USA) & Barbara Frechette (USA) - October 2008
Bubba Hyde (Dance Mix) - Diamond Rio

Start dance on the word "works at.."

Or Music:
I Hear You Knocking by Peggy Scott Adams
Honky Tonk Attitude by Joe Diffie

Toe Points, Modified Sailor Shuffles
1-2 point left to the front, point left to left side
3&4 step left behind right,step right to right side,cross left over right
5-6 point right to the front,point right to right side
7&8 step right behind left,step left to left side,step right to right side

Cross Step, Side Step, Hip Bumps, Side Shuffle
1-2 Cross left over right, step right to right side
3-4 Bump hips to the left twice
5-6 Bump hips to the right twice
7&8 Shuffle to left side left, right, left

Rock Step, Recover Step, Forward Shuffles, Forward Step,1/2 CCW Turn
1-2 Rock back on right,recover on left
3&4 Forward shuffle right,left,right
5&6 forward shuffle left,right,left
7-8 step forward on right,step left making ½ CCW Turn

Cross Shuffle, Side Shuffle, Coaster Steps with ¼ CW Turn, Forward Step,1/2 CW Turn
1&2 cross right over left,step right to right side,cross right over left
3&4 Side shuffle to the left side left,right left
5&6 step back on right making ¼ CW Turn,step back on left,step forward on right
7-8 step forward on left ,step right making ½ CW Turn

End of Dance