Blow Your Mind

Paul McAdam (UK) - March 2009
Blow Your Mind - Jamiroquai

Count In: Approxinately 16 counts, 12 seconds into song

(1-8) Behind-Side-Cross, Ball-Step X2, Touch Cross, Kick-Ball-Side
1&2 Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right
3& Step down on ball of right foot, step down on left foot
4& Step down on ball of right foot, step down on left foot
5,6 Touch right toe out to right side, cross right foot over left
7&8 Kick left foot forward, step ball of left foot next to right, step right foot to right side

(9-16) Rock &Side, Rock ¼ Turn Side, Rock & Side, Behind-Side-Cross
1&2 Rock left foot behind right, recover weight onto right, step left foot to left side
3&4 Rock right foot behind left, make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, step right foot to right side
5&6 Rock left foot behind right, recover weight onto right, step left foot to left side
7&8 Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left

(17-24) Ball-Cross, ½ Turn X2, Coaster Step, Push Back, Together, Ball-Step Touch
&1,2 Step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left, make a ½ turn left and step left foot forward
3 Make another ½ turn left and step right foot back.
4&5 Left coaster step
6 Push hips back (weight on right)
7 Recover weight forward onto left foot as you step right foot next to left
&8 Step left foot forward, touch right toe next to left

(25-32) Step Back Hip Push X2, Coaster-Step-Lock-Step,½ Touch
1,2 Step back on right foot in line with left foot, push left hip forward
3,4 Step back on left foot in line with right foot, push right hip forward
5&6 Right coaster step
&7 Lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward
&8 Make a ½ turn right on right foot, touch left toe to left side.

RESTART: 8TH WALL, Restart the dance on the 8th wall after count 12.

Start Again And Enjoy!