Riders in the Sky

Rafel Corbí (ES) - May 2009
Riders In The Sky Medley - John Dean : (CD: One For The Road)

Intro: 20 counts

Jazz Box, 2 Kick Ball Cross
1-2 Cross Right over Left, step left back [12:00]
3-4 Step right to right side, cross left over right
5&6 Kick right foot in right diagonal, return right beside left, step left in front of right
7&8 Kick right foot in right diagonal, return right beside left, step left in front of right

Jazz Box With 1/4 Turn Right, 2 Kick Ball Cross
9-10 Cross Right over Left, step left back
11-12 Doing a 1/4 turn right step right to right side, cross left over right [3:00]
13&14 Kick right foot in right diagonal, return right beside left, step left in front of right
15&16 Kick right foot in right diagonal, return right beside left, step left in front of right

Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left With 1/4 Turn Left
17-18 Step right to right side, step left behind right
19-20 Step right to right side, touch left beside right and clap
21-22 Step left to left side, step right beside left
23-24 Do a 1/4 turn left and step left forward, touch right beside left and clap [12:00]

Syncopated Heel Touches And Steps Forward X2
25&26 Touch right heel forward, return beside left, touch left heel forward
&27-28 Return left beside right and step right forward, step left forward (bringing body down on steps forward)
29&30 Touch right heel forward, return beside left, touch left heel forward
&31-32 Return left beside right and step right forward, step left forward (bringing body down on steps forward)

Chasse Right, 1/4 Turn Left And Chasse Left, 1/4 Turn Left And Chasse Right, 1/4 Turn Left And Chasse Left
33&34 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
35&36 Turn ¼ left and step left to side, step right together, step left to side [9:00]
37&38 Turn ¼ left and step right to side, step left together, step right to side [6:00]
39&40 Turn ¼ left and step left to side, step right together, step left to side [3:00]

Rocking Chair, Half Turn Left With Stomp Up, Step Forward, Step & Clap
41-42 Rock right forward, return weight to left
43-44 Rock right back, return weight to left
45-46 Do a 1/2 turn left and step right beside left, stomp-up left beside right [9:00]
47-48 Step left forward, step right beside left and clap

4 Shuffles Diagonally Forward
49&50 In right diagonal, shuffle forward right, left, right
51&52 In left diagonal, shuffle forward left, right, left
53&54 In right diagonal, shuffle forward right, left, right
55&56 In left diagonal, shuffle forward left, right, left

3 Steps Back, Toe Touches Back Forward And Back, Step Forward, Scuff Forward
57-58 Step right back, step left back
59-60 Step right back, touch left toe back
61-62 Touch left toe forward crossing in front of right, touch left toe back
63-64 Step left forward crossing in front of right, scuff right foot forward

Start Again