Birds Eye

Toria Avis (UK) - November 2009
The Great Pretender - The Platters

8 count intro (start on Yes)

(1-8) R Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, L Side Rock, Recover, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step.
1-2 Rock Right to Right Side, Recover onto Left.
3&4 Step Right behind Left, Step Left to Left Side, Cross Right over Left.
5-6 Rock Left to Left Side, Recover onto Right.
7&8 Step Left behind Right, Step ¼ Turn Right, Step Forward on Left.

(9-16) R fwd Rock, Recover, Triple Full Turn, L fwd Rock, Recover, Chasse 1/4 Turn.
1-2 Rock Forward on Right, Recover onto Left.
3&4 Making a full turn over Right Shoulder, Step - Right, Left, Right.
5-6 Rock Forward on Left, Recover onto Right.
7&8 Step ¼ Turn Left, Step Right beside Left, Step Left to Left Side.

(17-24) R Cross, L Point, L Cross, R Point, Behind, Unwind ½ , Left Shuffle Forward.
1-2 Cross Right over Left, Point Left Toe to Left Side.
3-4 Cross Left over Right, Point Right to Right Side.
5-6 Touch Right Toe behind Left, Unwind ½ Turn Right. (weight ending on right)
7&8 Step Left Forward, Close Right beside Left, Step Left Forward.

(25-32) Turn ¼ L, Together, Right Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock, Recover, Sailor Step.
1-2 Turn ¼ Left Stepping Forward on Right, Step Left Beside.
3&4 Cross Right over Left, Step Left to Left Side, Cross Right over Left.
5-6 Rock Left to Left Side, Recover onto Right.
7&8 Step Left behind Right, Step Right to Right Side, Step Left to Left Side.

TAG: 2 count tag 16 counts into wall 3 & 24 counts into wall 5
2 hip sways - right, left, restart

Ending: After 12 counts in on wall 6:
Rock Forward, Recover, Sailor ¼ Turn to the right and finish.
1-2 Rock forward on Left, Recover onto Right
3&4 Step Left behind Right, Step Right ¼ turn (over right shoulder), Step Left in front and finish!