Bullet Proof

Holly Ruschman (USA) - January 2010
Bulletproof - La Roux

Start on vocals

Triple Forward, Triple Forward, Ball Crosses
1&2 Moving forward, step right, left right
3&4 Moving forward step left, right, left
5-6-7-8.1 On Balls of feet cross right over left, left over right, repeat

Triple Back, Triple Back, Rock Step, ½ Turn Triple
9&10 Traveling back, step right, left, right
11&12 Traveling back, step left, right left
13-14 Rock back on right, forward on left
15&16 Triple right, left, right while turning ½ left

¼ Left Monterey Turn, Monterey in Place
17-18 Touch left to left side, turn ¼ left and step left next to right(weight on left)
19-20 Touch right to side, step right together
21-22 Touch left to left side, step left next to right
23-24 Touch right to side, step right together

Cross Rock, Step Back, Coaster Step
25-26 Cross Rock left over right, step back on left
27&28 Step back on left, right next to left, step left forward

Stomp, Clap Clap, Stomp, Clap Clap
29&30 Stomp forward right(hold) clap, clap
31&32 Stomp forward left (hold) clap, clap

Tag (one time only) Tag after second wall you will be facing 6 o’clock
1-2-3-4 Cross on balls of feet, right over left, left over right, repeat

Holly Ruschman: email hatsnboots@fuse.net