Who Can Tell?

Terry Mchugh (UK) - February 2010
C'est La Vie - Bob Seger

Intro: song starts with the words ''She was a teenage girl'', start dance on the word ''teenage''.

Toe struts x2, coaster step, hold.
1-2 step fwd on right toe,drop right heel,
3-4 step fwd on left toe, drop left heel
5-6 step back on right, step left beside right,
7-8 step fwd on right and hold,

Charleston steps.
1-2 swing left fwd and hold,
3-4 swing left back and hold,
5-6 swing right back and hold,
7-8 swing right fwd and hold,

Rock, cross and clap x2.
1-2 rock left to left side, recover on right,
3-4 cross left over right, clap and hold,
5-6 rock right to right side, recover on left ,
7-8 cross right over left, clap and hold,

Weave left with 1/4 turn left and hold
1-2 step left to left side, cross right behind left,
3-4 step left to left side, cross right over left,
5-6 step left to left side,cross right behind left
7-8 step left to left side with 1/4 turn left and hold