Button Down

Jacob Ballard (USA) - April 2010
Buttons - The Pussycat Dolls

Start dancing on lyrics

Touch Toe And Toe, Roll Right Knee, Turn ¼ Right, Touch Heel And Touch Heel Forward, Slide, Touch Toe To Side
1&2 Touch left toe back, step left together, touch right to side
3-4 Roll right knee in, turn ¼ right popping right knee out
5&6 Touch right heel twice, touch right heel forward
7-8 Slide left toe next to right while stepping down on right, touch left to side

And Cross, Sweep, ¼ Turn, ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Rock Step, Step Back
&1-2 Step left together, cross right over left, sweep left in front of right
3-4 Turn ¼ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward
5&6 Chassé forward right, left, right
7&8 Rock left forward, recover to right, step left back

Coaster Step, Chug Turn, Behind Side Cross, Turn ½ Left With Heel Twists
1&2 Step right back, step left together, step right forward
3-4 Turn ¼ right and touch left toe to side, turn ½ right and step left to side
5&6 Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
7&8 Pivot turn ¼ left twisting both heels to right, twist both heels left, pivot turn ¼ left

Kick And Touch Twice, Slide, Full Turn, Slide
1&2 Kick right forward, step right together, touch left toe next to right
3&4 Kick left forward, step left together, touch right toe next to left
5-6 Slide right to side, turn ½ right and touch left toe to side
7-8 Turn ½ right and step left to side, slide right together

Side Rock, Turn ¼ Left, Forward Rock, Shuffle ½ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn
1-2 Rock right to side, turn ¼ left as you recover to left
3-4 Rock forward to right, recover to left
5&6 Shuffle turn ½ right and step right, left right
7-8 Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right)

½ Turn, Slide Together, ¼ Turn With Heel Swivels, Touch Heel Forward And Together, ¼ Turn With Toe Touch, ¼ Turn With Heel Touch
1-2 Turn ½ right and step left back, slide right next left raising left heel(transfer weight to right)
3&4 Swivel right toe to right turning 1/8 to right, swivel right heel to right, swivel right toe to right turning 1/8 right (left should be back a little with heel still raised)
&5&6 Step left slightly back, touch right heel forward, step right down, touch left toe next to right
&7&8 Turn ¼ left and step left slightly to left side, touch right to side, turn ¼ left and step right together, touch left heel forward
