Rock The Blues

Joenan (AUS) - November 2010
Blue Suede Shoes - Bill Haley

Count in 16 counts

Back Toe Strut, Back Toe Strut, Back Toe Strut, Step Back, Touch
1-8Back toe strut on L foot, back toe strut on R foot, back toe strut on L foot, step back on R, touch L beside R (12:00)

Step Lock Step Touch, Step Lock Step Touch
1-4Step L forward a little diagonal, lock R behind L, step forward on L, touch R beside L
5-8Step R forward a little diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward on R, touch L beside R (12:00)

Jazz Box ¼ Turn Left, Point, Point, Point, Hold
1-4Jazz box ¼ turn left on L, R, L, touch R beside L
5-8Point R toes to right, point R toes beside L, point R toes to side, hold (9:00)

Coaster Step, Step Forward, Hold, Step Back, Hold
1-4Step back on R, step L together, step forward on R, hold
5-8Step forward on L, hold and clap, step back on R, hold and clap (9:00)

Start Again