Champagne 4U

Andrew Palmer (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK) - January 2011
I Get a Kick Out of You - Rod Stewart : (CD: Fly Me To The Moon)

16 count intro – approx 6 seconds. Start on vocals

Back. Back. Side. Together. Quarter. Step-Pivot-Step. Half. Quarter. Cross-Rock
1-2Walk back Right, walk back Left
3&4Step Right to side, step Left beside Right, 1/4 Right (3:00) step forward Right
5&6Step forward Left, pivot 1/2 Right (9:00), step forward Left
7&81/2 Left (3:00) step back on Right, 1/4 Left (12:00) step Left to side, cross-rock Right over Left

Recover. Side-Together-Fwd. Side-Together-Back. Back-Lock-Back-Sweep. Sailor-Half-Fwd
1Recover weight to Left
2&3Step Right to side, step Left beside Right, step forward Right
4&5Step Left to side, step Right beside Left, step back Left
6&7&Step back Right, lock Left across Right, step back Right, sweep Left to side
8&1Sailor-Half-turn Left (6:00) stepping forward Left

Back. Back. Back. Rock-Recover. Cross. Cross. Side-Recover-Cross
2&3Run back Right-Left-Right
4&Rock back Left, recover
5&Step Left over Right, hold (click fingers)
6&Step Right over Left, hold (click fingers)
7&8Rock Left to side, recover, cross Left over Right

Back-Side-Cross. Unwind Half. Unwind Quarter. Coaster-Step. Walk. Walk
1&2Step back on Right, step Left to the side, cross Right over Left
3-4Unwind 1/2 Left (12:00), unwind 1/4 Right (3:00)
5&6Step back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left
7-8Walk forward Right, walk forward Left