Black and White

Advanced Beginner
William Sevone (UK) - March 2011
Black & White - G.NA : (Single or Album: Black & White)

Choreographers note:- K-Pop (Korean pop music) dance with two easy Tags to keep within the dance level .
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on count 17 with the heavy beat one count AFTER the start of the vocals – feet apart and weight on left.

Hip Bumps and Hooks (12:00)
(feet slightly apart with hands on hips)
1 – 2Bump hips to left. Bump hips to right.
3 – 4Bump hips to left. weight on right - Hook left foot behind right leg.
5 – 6Step left to left side - bumping hips left. Bump hips right.
7 – 8Bump hips to left. weight on right - Hook left foot behind right leg.

2x Slow ‘Scissor’. Side Rock. Recover (12:00)
9 – 10Step left to left side. Step right next to left.
11 – 12Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
13 – 14Step left next to right. Cross right over left.
15 – 16Step/rock left to left side. Recover onto right.

3x Fwd Tap-Back. Back Rock with Dip. Recover (12:00)
17 – 18Tap left toe in front of right. Step backward onto left.
19 – 20Tap right toe in front of left. Step backward onto right.
21 – 22Tap left toe in front of right. Step backward onto left.
23 – 24Turn upper body to right & rock backward onto right. Turn upper body fwd & recover onto left (12).
Dance note: Count 23 – dip right shoulder with rock.

3x Hitch-Diagonal. 3/4 Side Rock. Recover (3:00)
25 – 26Hitch right knee. Step right diagonally forward left.
27 – 28Hitch left knee. Step left diagonally forward right.
29 – 30Hitch right knee. Step right diagonally forward left.
31 – 32Turn ¾ left & rock left to left side. Recover onto right (prepare to shift weight to left)

TAG: After Wall 5 and Wall 9 (after Chorus) - facing the 3:00 wall.
16 Count Full On-The-Spot Turn.
1 – 2Tap left next to right. Step left to left side.
3 – 4Turn 1/8th left & tap right next to left. Turn 1/8th left & step right to right side (12)
5 – 6Tap left next to right. Step left to left side.
7 – 8Turn 1/8th left & tap right next to left. Turn 1/8th left & step right to right side (9).
9 – 10Tap left next to right. Step left to left side.
11 – 12Turn 1/8th left & tap right next to left. Turn 1/8th left & step right to right side (6).
13 – 14Tap left next to right. Step left to left side.
15 – 16Turn 1/8th left & tap right next to left. Turn 1/8th left & step right to right side (3).
Styling note: On ‘taps’ turn foot slightly inward – on all, use hips

DANCE FINISH: On 13th Wall count 26 facing ‘Home’ (12:00)
Replace counts 25-26 with the following:
25 – 26Bending knees and extending right to right side. Hold.