Love On Top

Beginner / Improver WCS
Christle Chong (MY) - December 2011
Love On Top - Beyoncé : (Album: 4)

Intro: - Vocal “ Bring The Beat In “- 16 Count start

Walk Fwd R, L, Mambo Fwd, Walk Back, Mambo Back
1-2Walk fwd R, L
3&4R rock fwd, recover on L , step R back
5-6Walk back L, R
7&8Rock back on L, recover on R, step fwd L

¼ Turn R (3.00) with Sailor Step, Heel Kick, Unwind ½ Turn (9.00)
1&2¼ Turn R (3.00) with step R behind L, step L replace, step R to R side
3&4Step L behind R, step R replace, step L to L side
5&6&R heel kick and step R next to L, L heel kick and step L next to R
7-8R cross over L, unwind ½ turn L (9.00)

Cross Touch, Side Touch, Side Toe Switch, Syncopated ½ Turn Weave (3.00)
1-2Cross touch R over L, and R side touch to R
&3&4Step R next to L, L side touch to L, step L next to R, R side touch to R
5&6&Step R behind L, step L to L side, R cross over L, ½ turn R (3.00) with Step back on R
7-8Step R to R side, L cross over R

Hip Bumps To Diagonal, Zig Zag Step Touch, Big Step Back Together
1&2R hip bump fwd facing R diagonal (1.30)
3&4L hip bump fwd facing L diagonal (10.30)
5&6&Step R back to R diagonal, L touch beside R, step L back to L diagonal, R touch beside L
7-8Big step back on R, following L step beside R

Enjoy and Have Fun! Merry Christmas……