You Make Me Wanna...

Carol Cotherman (USA) - June 2012
Wanna Make You Love Me - Andy Gibson : (CD: Wanna Make You Love Me - Single)

16-count intro

Step ½, Shuffle, Step ½, Shuffle
1-2-3&4Step right forward, ½ pivot left with weight to left, step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward (6:00)
5-6-7&8Step left forward, ½ pivot right with weight to right, step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (12:00)

Mambo Forward, ¼ Sailor Turn, Mambo Forward, Scissor Step, Ball,
1&2-3&4Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right in place beside left, sweep left around and behind right turning ¼ left weight to left, step right beside left, step left in place (9:00)
*Restart after count 12 on wall 3 facing 3:00.
5&6-7&8&Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right in place beside left, step left to side, step right beside left, cross left over right, step on ball of right

Cross, ¼ Turn, ½ Shuffle Turn, Mambo Forward, ½ Shuffle Turn
1-2-3&4Cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to side, step right beside left, ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (12:00)
5&6-7&8Rock forward on right, recover to left, step right in place beside left, ¼ turn left stepping left to side, step right beside left, ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (6:00)

¼ Turn Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Point, ¼ Turn, Kick, Step, Point, ¼ Turn, Heel, Ball Step
1-2&3-4¼ Turn left stepping right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, step left across right, point right to side (3:00)
5-6&7&8&¼ turn right stepping right in place (5), kick left forward (6), step left in place (&), point right to side (7), ¼ turn left stepping right in place (&), touch left heel forward (8), step left ball in place (&) (3:00)


Restart: Wall 3 – Dance 12 counts and restart facing 3:00.

Tag: After wall 5, dance 4-count tag. (9:00)
Rocking Chair
1-2-3-4Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right, recover on left

Ending: On the last rotation, the dance begins facing 3:00. Dance through count 20, then turn ¼ left stepping right to side. You’ll end facing 12:00.