Hao Yun Flames

Low Intermediate
Lee Yoke Pheng - January 2013
Zhu Ni Jing Nian Hao Yun Qi by Long Piau Piau

Dance Sequence: Tag (32 counts), Dance / Tag (32 counts), Dance / Tag (16counts)
Dance (start from count 41 ie Right rocking chair) / Ending (28 counts)
Intro: 32 counts (Optional – you can dance the same steps as the Tag -32 counts )

(1-8) Step touches right & left (2 times)
1-2Step right to side, touch left next to right
3-4Step left to side, touch right next to left
5-6Step right to side, touch left next to right
7-8Step left to side, touch right next to left

(9-16) Right side chasse, turn ½ right, left chasse (2 times)
1&2&3&4Right side to side, step left next to right, step right to side, ½ turn right (WOR), Step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side (6.00)
5&6&7&8Repeat 1-4 (12.00)

(17-24) Step touches right & left
Repeat (1-8)

(25-32) Box with shuffles
1&2¼ turn left, step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side (9.00)
3&4¼ turn left, step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side (6.00)
5&6¼ turn left, step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side (3.00)
7&8¼ turn left, step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side (12.00)

(33-40) Rocking chair, ½ turn left, back shuffle, back rock recover
1-4Rock right forward, recover on left, rock right back, recover on left
5&6½ turn left, step back right, step left next to right, step right back
7-8Rock back on left, recover on right (6.00)
(* Short Wall - W3, after the 2nd tag, start dance from 5th 8 i.e. count 33)

(41-48) ½ turn right, back shuffle, ¼ right, chasse, rocking chair
1&2½ turn right, step back left, step right next to left, step left back (12.00)
3&4¼ turn right, step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side (3.00)
5-8Rock left forward, recover on right, rock left back , recover on right

(49-56) ½ turn right, back shuffle, back rock recover, ½ turn left, back shuffle, ¼ left, chasse
1&2½ turn right, step back left, step right next to left, step left back (9.00)
3-4Rock right back, recover on left
5&6½ turn left, step back right, step left next to right, step right back (3.00)
7&8¼ turn left, step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side (12.00)

(57-64) Rolling vine right & left
1-4¼ turn right & step forward right, ½ turn right & step back left, ¼ turn right & Step right to side, point left to side
5-8¼ turn left & step forward left, ½ turn left & step back right, ¼ turn left & step left to side, point right to side

(65-72) Forward lock step, scuff (2 times)
1-4Diagonal right, step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, scuff left forward
5-8Diagonal left, step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff right forward

(73-80) Step touch back (4 times)
1-2Step right diagonal back, touch left next to right
3-4Step left diagonal back, touch right next to left
5-6Repeat 1-2
7-8Repeat 3-4

(81-88) Hip bumps
1-2Step right to side & bump hips to right, bump hips left
3&4Double right hip bumps
5-6Step left to side & bump hips to left, bump hips to right
7&8Double left hip bumps

(89-96) Cross rock recover, side rock recover, cross rock recover, side chasse
1-3Cross rock right, recover on left, rock right to side, recover on left
5-6Cross rock right, recover on left
7&8Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side

(97-104) Cross rock recover, side rock recover, cross rock recover, side chasse
1-4Cross rock left, recover on right, rock left to side, recover on right
5-7Cross rock left, recover on right
7&8Step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side

(105-112) Touch kick, behind side cross (2 times)
1-2Touch right next to left, kick right forward
3&4Step /cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6Touch left next to right, kick left forward
7&8step/cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right

(113-120) Pivot turn, shuffle (2 times)
1-2,3&4Step right forward, pivot ½ left, step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6,7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ right, step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward

(121-128) ¼ paddle turn (4 times)
1-2Step right forward, ¼ turn left & transfer weight onto left (9.00)
3-4Repeat 1-2 (6,00)
5-6Repeat 3-4 (3.00)
7-8Repeat 5-6 (12.00)

TAG (32 counts): End of wall 1 (4x8) and End of wall 2 (2x8)
(1-8) Forward Shuffle (3x), pivot turn
1&2Right forward shuffle
3&4Left forward shuffle
5&6Right forward shuffle
7-8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (6.00)

(9-16) Shuffle ½ turn right, back shuffle (2x), back rock recover
1&2½ turn right , step back on left, step right next to left, step left back (12.00)
3&4Right back shuffle
5&6Left back shuffle
7-8Right back rock, recover on left

(17-24) Side chasse, cross shuffle, right lindy
1&2Right side shuffle
3&4Left cross shuffle
5&6Right side shuffle
7-8Left back rock, recover on right

(24-32) Side chasse, cross shuffle, left lindy
1&2Left side shuffle
3&4Right cross shuffle
5&6Left side shuffle
7-8Right back rock, recover on left

ENDING (28 counts)
(1-8) Jump touch, shoulder pops (2 times)
&1-2Jump right to side (&), touch left behind right, hold
3&4Shoulder pops, pop right up, pop left up, pop right up
&5-6Jump left to side (&), touch right behind left, hold
7&8Shoulder pops, pop left up, pop right up, pop left up

(9-16) Rolling vine, jazz box cross
1-4¼ turn right & step forward right, ½ turn right & step back left, ¼ turn right & Step right to side, point left to side
5-8Cross left over right, step right back, step left to side, cross right over left

(17-24) Rolling vine, jazz box cross
1-4¼ turn left & step forward left, ½ turn left & step back right, ¼ turn left & Step left to side, point right to side
5-9Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, cross left over right

(25-18) Step right & left (2x), heel
1-2Step right, step left
3&4Step right, step left, extend right heel forward (clasp fingers together – gong xi greetings)

(please refer to my video HAO YUN FLAMES @ www.copperknob.co.uk

* Wishing Everyone A Blessed ‘Hao Yun’ (Good Luck) New Year !!

Contact: flaming.lee@yahoo.com

Last Update - 15th Jan 2017