
High Beginner
Jesse Garcia (USA) - June 2008
Margarita - Mestizzo

Alt. tracks:-
Good Directions by: Billy Currington
Respect by: Aretha Franklin

Start dance with weight on right foot

Cross & Cross, right side shuffle, back rock step, left side shuffle
1&2Cross left foot over right, step right foot next to left, cross left foot over right
3&4Step right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right
5-6Step back dia. on left. recover weight onto right foot
7&8Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to right side

Behind step cross, Left rock step with 1/4 turn right, L.Fwd. shuffle, Pivot 1/2 turn left
1&2Step right foot behind left,step left foot next to right, cross right foot over left
3-4Step left foot to the side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot
5&6Step fwd. on left foot, step right foot next to left, step fwd. on left foot
7-8Step fwd. on right foot making 1/2 turn left, step fwd. on left foot

R, Fwd. shuffle, Full turn right, Fwd. Rock step, Coaster step
1&2Step fwd. right foot, step left foot next to right, step fwd. on right foot
3-4Step fwd. on left foot making 1/2 turn right, Step back on right foot making 1/2 turn right
5-6Step fwd. on left foot, recover weight back onto right foot
7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step fwd. on left foot

R. Side rock, Cross & Cross. L.Side rock with 1/4 turn right, Cross & Cross
1-2Step right foot to side, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Cross right foot over left, step left foot next to right, cross right foot over left
5-6Step left foot to left side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot
7&8Cross left over right, step right foot next to left, cross left foot over right

Side Rock, Coaster Step, Full turn right, Rock Step with 1/4 turn right
1-2Step right foot to the side, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step fwd. on right foot
5-6Step fwd. on left foot making 1/2 turn right, step back on right foot making 1/2 turn right
7-8Step fwd. on left foot making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot

Alternate for full turns: take two steps fwd.
