
Easy Intermediate
Anne Herd (AUS) - December 2013
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - The Pussycat Dolls : (CD: Doll Domination - iTunes)

Start on lyrics (16 beats in) weight on left - CW (No Tags/Restarts)

Rock/Replace, Cha Cha Back, Rock/Replace, Shuffle Forward
1-2-3&4Rock forward on R. Recover to L, Cha cha back stepping RLR
5-6-7&8Rock back on L, Recover to R, Cha cha forward stepping LRL

Side Together, Cha Cha Back, Side Together, ¼ Turn, Cha Cha Forward
1-2-3&4Step R to side, Step L beside R, Cha chaback stepping RLR
5-6-7&8Step L to side, Step R beside L, Turn ¼ L, Cha cha forward stepping LRL

2 x ¼ Pivots, Cross, Hold, Cross, Hold
1-2-3-4Step forward on R, Pivot ¼ L, Step forward on R, Pivot ¼ L
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, Hold, Cross L over R, Hold (styling: roll hips on ¼ pivots)

Back Lock, Back, Kick, Back Lock, Back, Flick
1-2-3-4Cross R over L, Step back on L, Step back on R, Kick L across in front of R
5-6-7-8Cross L over R, Step back on R, Step L to side, Flick R foot up behind

Begin dance again

Note: This dance has a cha cha feel so use your hips and any cha cha movements you like.

Contact: - 0428693501

Last Update - 27th March 2014