Little Tango Cha

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - November 2008
Tango by Jaci Velasveauz

No Tags Or Restarts

Walk Fwd RLR, Side Together, Rock Fwd Back, 1/2 Turn Triple Step
1,2,3Walk fwd R,L,R
&4Step L to left, Step R beside L
5,6Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
7&8Triple step L,R,L while making 1/2 left

Walk Fwd RLR, Side Together, Rock Fwd Back, 1/4 Turn Triple Step
9,10,11Walk fwd R,L,R
&12Step L to left, Step R beside L
13,14Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
15&16Triple step L,R,L while making 1/4 left

Cross Rock Return, Triple Step, Cross Rock Return, Triple Step
17,18Cross/rock R over L, Rock/return wt to L
19&20Triple step on the spot R,L,R
21,22Cross/rock L over R, Rock/return wt to R
23&24Triple step on the spot L,R,L

Rock Fwd Back, Step Back Hold, Coaster Back, Step Pivot 1/2
25,26Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
27,28Step back on R, Hold
29&30Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step fwd on L (coaster)
31,32Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L

Here’s an easy little dance that you can do without thinking about it too much
I wrote it for our improver dancers to do while the next level dance Tango Cha
Hope it does the trick for YOU!
See you on the floor sometime…. Jan

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